One Norwegian Alaskan in Madison.

Hark! I hear the muted strains of Impending Doom...

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Heroine: [chokes, struggling for air]

My kingdom for a calibration curve...

[twists around, recognizes assailant]

Et tu, QuantCo?

[slumps over. expires]

QuantCo: [chuckling maliciously]

You failed the Q test! Failed!
Looks like you're one too many standard
deviations from what I like to call "alive".

[end scene. exit Quantco stage left]

2 Responses to “Hark! I hear the muted strains of Impending Doom...”

  1. Blogger Imaginer 

    Read your Shakespeare you silly goat, King Richard III and Caesar.

    I have faith in you, Heroine, and if all else fails, I'll help you to another horse!

  2. Blogger Rena 

    Oh my goodness, Sarah--you're just as reckless a procrastinator as I am!...except that your goofing off consists of creating Shakespearean parodies of advanced chemistry, and mine is mainly pawing through Savage Love archives and kicking the computer's ass at Cruel Solitaire. My rationale? If I'm not doing my homework, I must be "taking a break" from it and thus should do something relaxing and non-intellectual. It follows, right?

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  • Homebase Madison, Wisconsin
  • I was raised in Alaska, am the shortest person in my family, and I can wiggle my ears.
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