"Damn you, Early Bird! At least let me finish this chapter!" - Booker T. Worm
Published Sunday, September 12, 2004 by Sarah | E-mail this post 
*strokes imaginary beard contemplatively*
To post or to read? Aye, there's the rub. I've got so many books on the figurative table right now, all just begging for a read. Let's see:
- There's Children of the Mind, which will finish out the direct Ender's Game series that I've been slowly going through all summer. I owe it to Rachel to finally catch up with her so we can both exclaim at length about his genius and general wiggity wack imagination.
- But what about Madeline L'Engle's books I just picked up? Now I've got A Wrinkle in Time, along with A Wind in the Door and A Swiftly Tilting Planet. All three from my long lost childhood and worth at least three more reads.
- Or there's Ray Bradbury's The Illustrated Man, which I'm slowly sipping right now. It's delicious in small doses. Thank you, Jack, for the introduction.
- Then there's The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, which I must in all smartness not admit that I have not yet read...
- And we can't forget the fabulously entertaining Richard P. Feynman's anecdotal books I got in Tacoma because I started them back at home when my father's library was available, only to have now relegated them back to the shelf. Bah!
- And then there's the Bible. A must read for everyone, me included, if only for its rather overt presence in...oh, our Society. I still have yet to get through Genesis, though I could tell you a bit about the book of Ruth (it's my middle name, see...). Seriously, I'd like to sit down and read it all in some manner, whether it takes me a year or two or however long. It's just that getting started part that I'm still working on.
So I have all these options and now must be decisive. I therefore decide that it's Bradbury up first, followed by Children of the Mind, and the rest can jockey for third if they're up for it. Let me know if you've got any special ties to any of these books. All of which will be read by the time school starts in ten days, of course. Let the fun begin!
Not sure, but I think there's a fourth in the Madeleine L'Engle series. Listened to the whole series on tape on a trip to Vegas for my 16th birthday.