Hellooo September...
Published Tuesday, September 07, 2004 by Sarah | E-mail this post 
What a perfectly lovely name for a month. Much better than Febtober. Or Manuary.
It's been a damn long time since I've stared at this screen, gracias a dios, but what with Tovin poking me incessantly over there on the right, I thought it would be about time to say hi.
I've been busy (so very,
very busy) taking it easy since O Chem choked on its final breath. That's right, I
slew it. In a move akin to The Bride drawing the Hattori Hanzo sword from its sheath in slow motion, I readied myself for the final showdown with the beast by talking with a friend till the wee hours in Bannan and threatening the white board into submission. It all resulted in a delicious 98% on the final and a whole month of RnR for me. Ahh...
It's been great this summer, really, even when O Chem was still alive. I made some good friends and kept my brain up and running enough that I'm still using most of it on a weekly basis. I acquired a new roommate (yes, this is numero 4) a few hours after my final exam and spent two weeks learning how to pronounce the damn umlauts above vowels in German. She's pretty cool. She also goes back to the Motherland in a few weeks. :-/
Martin and Tovin have been over rather a lot for the entire summer, which has resulted in...a Star Trek Marathon! Mmm...how I love the early years of bad acting and cool special effects. We just got done with Bumbershoot weekend as well, zee German and I just yesterday took a holiday in Vancouver with my aunt and uncle, and the lovely
Saralita is back in town! Rachel and I were planning to run off into the woods with her for three days, beginning today, but I've heard nothing out of them so far. I should go check on that. I'll talk to you later. Take care!
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