Baseball's not dead yet?
Published Thursday, October 21, 2004 by Sarah | E-mail this post 
I just happened to be passing through a
delightful site on my way to meet up with my lab writeup, and I had to stop to regain my breath after laughing so hard. Enjoy:
Amusing Quote #1:
bunsen_tv_feed: All I Have to say about Game 7 is this: God must be setting up the Red Sox for a fairly spectacular tragedy in the World Series. A sweep? No, it's got to be bigger than that. A seventh-game loss on a bases-loaded walk, followed by the flaming Goodyear Blimp crashing onto the Fenway grass? And the cursed dirigible just so happens to be filled with plague-infected weasels trained to attack scarlet hosiery? Yes, that sounds like the kind of plan my God's got cookin' in the beanpot.
Amusing Quote #2:
Who in their right mind is NOT rooting for Astros/Red Sox World Series?C'mon. Texas/Massachusetts double header. We'll schedule the final game for the election night and Cheney will mud-wrestle Edwards in the stands. It's as close as we can get to an actual 2nd Civil War with all the fun of random rioting and none of the expense of the artillery. Also there are seldom if ever hot dogs during the civil war. --doqz
And my favorite, Amusing Quote #3:
To: Yankee "Nation"
Cc: New York Yankees players, management, front-office
We would like to put for the following as terms of your complete and unconditional surrender: 1. That we are, forever after, awarded the status of "Your Daddy."
2. That if we should ever hear one of you blithely chant "1918," we can respond with a rousing cheer of either "2K4" or "three-and-oh." Because each spelled your abject downfall.
3. That any fans that want to switch sides will be welcomed with open arms as converts who've seen the light.
4. That 85 years of pain have nothing to do with our current challenges, no matter how much you think they should.
5. That smugness is hereafter punishable by absolute and ceaseless derision.
Enjoy the winter meetings in Tampa. We await your reply.
Red Sox Nation
Have you not heard what is to come? Upon winning the World Series, Johnny Damon will be revealed as the second-coming of Christ. The world will then end, since the curse will be broken and Sox fans will have nothing else left to pray for.