hehe so dad wanted to know exactly how bad my crapcar has been running lately. i told him it's getting me scared with how much its hunting and loose steering has worsened since i reincarnated it a few weeks ago. we took it for a test drive after dinner (which is fun, because dad likes to "test the brakes"...) and i convinced him to buy a pack of ice cream drumsticks (mmm...) along with his coconut popsicles *shakes head*. yay for free dessert! we *couldn't* let them sit lonely in the bag after we got out to the parking lot, so we had to sit there and eat at least one before heading back down the parks.
out of poor planning, we'd parked right by all the dumbass high school kids in bad clothes who think the carrs parking lot is better than anywhere else to hang out...so while we ate our ice cream we got to make fun of the girl in scary tight clothes crying hysterically while clutching onto this one guy, who looked uncomfortable and tried to peel her off himself for 5 min while maintaining his "coolness", as well as the guy sitting in his dad's little black car, wasting his dad's gas and turning the bass up hella high...mmm...have i told you how much i love not being in high school...or wasilla? a month and a half to go...
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