1. Full name: Sarah Ruth Slauson
2. Nicknames: Patrick has a special one for me, but if you don't know it, that's ok. :P
3. Eyes: Brown
4. Height: 5'4"
5. Hair Color: middle brown. kind of light at the moment, but that will change soon.
6. Do u like to sing in the shower? only at school - i get too much crap about being tonedeaf at home
7. Birthday: July 28
8. Singer/rapper: Singer
9. Address: lovely wasilla
10. Sex?: not yet...
11. Right or left handed: right, though it would be cool to be ambi
12. What's your style? geeky/robot/dorky/too serious
13. Marital status: Single
14. Do you have a car?: yup. see July 22 entry
15. What kind of car do you have/want? I have a crapcar, but I have my eyes on a silver Prius like dad's.
16. Favorite Movie: too many...x-men, gattaca, amelie, matrix, moulin rouge, fiddler on the roof, frequency, bridget jones' diary, boondock saints...
17. Song: Different Drummer by Black 47...for now...
19. TV Show: I watched ER the other day...i like the West Wing...Simpsons always...and Scrubs...
20. Actor: Ethan Hawke (just watched Gattaca ;) or maybe Hugh Jackman...damn
21. Actress: Anna Paquin for X-Men
22. Food: sushi
23. Number: good question. 7? 2?
24. Cartoon: simpsons
25. Disney Character: the Genie :D
26. Color: blue. no, yellow. ahhhhh! (k, whoever gets that is as bad as i am, admit it) :P
27. Do you plan on having children: yeah, someday far, far away
28. Do you want to get married?: I like the idea, but let's just wait and see
29. Hmm no question here. Cool.
30. How old do you want to be when your married: Silly. Whenever it happens. I don't think I could say "hey can we just hold off till i'm 28?" :P
31. Would you have kids before marriage: nah that's just silly. unless i did, and then i'd eat those last words.
32. Do you have a b/f or g/f: nope
33. Music/TV: music and tv :)
34. Guys/Girls: guys
35. Green/blue: blue
36. Pink/Purple: purple
37. Summer/Winter: summer because i love going outside without a jacket. winter because i love the snow. did i have to choose?
38. Night/Day: Night for the people, but day because i'm concious then
39. Hangin Out/Chillin: Hangin out
40. Dopey/Funny: Dopey
41. Weird saying you have? hmm. putain!
42. what school do u go to? SU. Go jesuits!
43. Have you ever taken drugs? nope
44. What's a major turn on for you? that little spark when you brush hands. ok, probably body contact in general
46. About Friends:
A) Most blonde: Rena. I miss you, ro
B) Best personality: everyone on the 10th floor is beautiful
C) Nicest: Sarah Patrick...I can't argue with Chris on this one!
D) Funniest: jenny! (my old roomie)
F) Strangest: hehe. you know it's you!
H) Smartest: mr. mit and ms. bostonu. Patrick and Marissa are mental giants!
I) Best All Around Person: yeah right can we say "to answer this question would be a death wish?" (i couldn't have said it better, chris)
47. Which person would u trust the most? I trust all of you :P
48. What do you think of soul mates? to find mine would be incredible, but i'm not sure if i believe. if i found him, i'd believe!
49. Is it right to flirt if you have a bf/g/f? i suppose, as long as it's not serious
50. What was the last thing you cried over or got teary about? packing up and leaving everyone in june
51. What's something about guys/girls you don't get: Drama. i'm with chris on this one
52. Are you happy? I'm satisfied. Not really happy.
53. Why? I've got stuff to do, but no strong direction. I'll be happy once school starts again and my day fills up
54. What's one object you can't live without? food :) and the internet's pretty cool too...
55. Love or lust: Love
56. Silver or gold: silver
57. Diamond or pearl: Diamonds
58. Sunset or sunrise: sunrise, though i'm rarely awake to see it. this makes it all the more special :P
59. Have you ever gone skinny dipping? no, but i've done the opposite many, many times...
60. Do you sleep with stuffed animals?: used to. i think mopsy is still around here somewhere
61. Do you have any piercings? only the ears so far, and that's a conservative one hole/ear...
62. What color underpants are you wearing right now? pink
63. What song r u listening to rite now? clicking keys. hold on...better! The Bouncing Souls - Break-Up Song
64. What are the last four digits of your phone number? there's 8698, and there's 8071...
65. Where would you want to go on your honeymoon? to bed ;-)
66. Who do u want to spend the rest of your life with? See #28 and #32
67. Football/soccer: Soccer
68. What makes you happy? music, friends, reading, silent moments when I'm completely me (that's for chris)
70. What's the best advice given to you? "will it matter in a year? 5 years?"
71. Have u ever won any special awards? yeah, a lot of them were silly, but i like the scholarships
72. What are your future goals? med school, peace corps, learn more languages
73. Worst sickness you ever had? lots of strep throat and ear infections as a little kid :-/
74. On the phone or in person? In person
75. Hugs or Kisses? Hugs
76. What song seems to reflect you the most? lots and lots of them get a part of me (and lots of other people) pretty close, but i don't remember...
77. If you died tomorrow who would you leave everything you own to? wacky question. hmm...i have no idea.
78. Do u have any enemies? I don't think so...let me know, just as a heads up, k?
79. What is your greatest fear? not doing anything with my life. totally screwing up the opportunities handed to me. not being what i could be
80. Would you rather be rich or famous? rich for all the things i could do that only money allows
81. What time is it in Alabama: time for lunch.
82. Have you ever been in love: Not yet
83. Have you met Santa? Yes. I've been to the north pole too! (north pole, Alaska...)
84. If E.T. knocked on your door holding up a peace sign asking to use your phone what would you do? Go get the phone, and then go on a bike ride with e.t. and chris, since he already claimed the ride.
85. When was the last time u talked about how u REALLY feel with someone, someone u can trust? wow, a long time. sometime in the middle of the year with chris in his hideout, i think
86. Do you have any pets? no more :( they've been gone for a few years
87. generator_00 gotcha.
And 88 is outta here! k
89. Are you an alcoholic? nope - never even been drunk, just slightly buzzy
90. Who sent this to you: i lifted it from chris ;-)
91. What do you think of this person? I like him! He's pretty smart about things. I never spent enough time talking with him, and he'll be gone in france first quarter, but after that...
92. Do u want your friends to write back? go for it, even though it's a post
93. Do u believe in love at first sight? hmm. lust at first sight, yeah. don't know about love. i think that takes more time to develop.
94. Which is better, League or Union? er..da hell?? hey, league brought us "a league of their own" and "the league of extraordinary gentleman"...
95. Name all your friends?...you, and you, and...hey, see answer #46i
96. What would you do if a person of the same sex tried to hit on you? hmm...be flattered?
97. What religion are you? not much of anything, but i don't have strong convictions about atheism. i'm a doubter, i would say, and i need to get it figured out.
98. Do you agree with religions? it's so easy to write them off as rituals passed down in the family or solutions for people who need something to follow, but that doesn't explain a lot of the people i've met who have really strong faith, but don't ascribe to their religions out of conditioning or lack of direction, but out of recognition of the truth, for lack of a better description. So the short answer is, I think i just don't get what they get.
99. Are you one of those people who wait for things to happen, or go out and make things happen: I end up waiting a lot though I generally mean to make things happen
100.What is the thing you look forward to the most in your life? the future
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