One Norwegian Alaskan in Madison.

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Wow, I just woke up from a dream about the Polyclinic down the street, and it was pretty sinister. I rarely remember my dreams, but just now everyone doing human research there was young, smokin hot, and diabolically inclined. In the elevator on the way to the fourth floor the women took no notice, so I guess my badge from work made them think I belonged. The closed/cocky expression in everyone's eyes made me uneasy, but I wasn't there as a test subject, so should be ok. I don't remember why I was there, actually.

I walked down a corrider past offices with heavy doors that gorgeous men in lab coats rushed through, and as I passed a few just-closing doors I caught glimpses of naked subjects strapped down to exam tables inside. The rooms were dark, save for the single light on the subjects laying there. The corridor opened into a large atrium at the end, with stained glass and pews. In place of the pastor's podium, though, was a platform bed front and center, with a microphone aimed at one end of it. As things get a bit hazy, I remember an old naked man was being brought up the aisle toward the platform. After that it's a mystery.

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  • Homebase Madison, Wisconsin
  • I was raised in Alaska, am the shortest person in my family, and I can wiggle my ears.
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