One Norwegian Alaskan in Madison.

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 Dear Rena,

You've evidently expired and require a replacement.

To that effect, I have seduced your cat, am on the verge of taking your job, and will immediately look into changing my last name to something rhyming with "Pindsor".

Love, Sarah.

5 Responses to “”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Can I have Bilbo?


  2. Blogger Sarah 

    Hey, you have your own cat! Bilbo's all the hobbit I have left of that silly disappearing girl, and I put in all the hard work wooing him, so he stays with long as I still feed him...

  3. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Sucker. I didn't have to woo him, he loves me anyway.


  4. Blogger Rena 

    Dear Sarah,

    I'm not dead anymore. At least, I think not. I'm being a bum here at my folks' house in P-town for a couple weeks until I can start my next job at the Evergreen State Fair and move back in at camp. I want to come visit and meet the new roomies, but you're never home! I guess it is finals time for you, eh? Anyways, call me.


    P.S. My cat still loves me best. He's just faking with you.

  5. Blogger Sarah 

    Dear Rena, I'm glad to hear that you're not dead. That would be bad. I am spending way too much time talking with a certain guy in my o chem class and not studying. Or maybe i'm not talking to him enough...or maybe it's just exactly what I need right now. He gives me a lot to think about. I only mention this because it's the only thing on my mind right now, at almost 4 am the morning of my last lecture before the final. What the fuck am I doing staying up so late and not doing everything I can to guarantee my best results on this damn exam that everything has built up to? What is one exam, though, when compared to getting a fire lit inside you to start questioning everything you're doing and where you're going? If only we could schedule these talks for after the final...damn clock. Ok. Me go sleep now. I'll see you there then. I can't wait. Maybe I should start keeping a journal...a real one. Hmm...hasta luego. Paz, Sarita

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  • Homebase Madison, Wisconsin
  • I was raised in Alaska, am the shortest person in my family, and I can wiggle my ears.
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