One Norwegian Alaskan in Madison.

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Stayed up till 8 this morning finishing my damn chem prelab so I could actually go to the lab, which was against my will. But it did mean that I watched the sun rise from my seat in the lobby, and then got up and walked out the back door of the lobby to look across the street at the house I'll be living in with my Ro and Saralita once this quarter gets itself finished (because it's getting no help from me). That's right, we got the verbal ok from the landlady, so now all we need to do is bend her to our will on multiple points. That and figure out what her renter's agreement says in the first place. If it exists. But i'm excited, and therefore I will party. Or sleep. Because I must get up in less than 5 hours and go get immunized for Ghana before physics class starts. Ok, sleep wins. Maybe my plane tickets will come tomorrow... !Noche!

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  • Homebase Madison, Wisconsin
  • I was raised in Alaska, am the shortest person in my family, and I can wiggle my ears.
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