One Norwegian Alaskan in Madison.

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How could I forget to put this in?! I went over to Sophia's house with the girls (my Ro, Pilar, Emma, and Bronwyn) for an awesome sleepover/beautiful dinner Saturday night, and it couldn't have been better. We had a salmon fillet, wild rice, veggies sauteed with garlic, and sweet rolls toasted in the oven. Mmm. Oh yeah, she has a formal dining room including candles and a chandelier! The only thing i missed having there was either a) my boy (which doesn't work with it being a girly sleepover and all...) or b) having a really great girly talk about our boys with Ro and Saralita (who couldn't make it, sadly). I love all the girls, but they're not my confidantes, so we had to just be crazy and have pillow fights/watch movies instead. Ever seen "The Assignment"? Didn't think so. It's kinda odd. But good. Go check out Zero Effect, too. Who doesn't like Ben Stiller?

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  • Homebase Madison, Wisconsin
  • I was raised in Alaska, am the shortest person in my family, and I can wiggle my ears.
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