One Norwegian Alaskan in Madison.

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*Adviso: This is a very brooding post. If you are not in the mood to read such a thing, please skip over this. If it's right up your alley, do comment on how silly/whatever you think I am being. I like comments!*

So Ro and I have decided we're both just too "selfish/independent/not yet into sharing that much of our time/selves with a guy" to keep on with the relationships our guys/former guys are/were wanting. Yes, I use/enjoy slashes way too much. :P

Anyway, why are the guys being the emotional needy serious ones? Why?! Can't we just say "Hey we like each other, let's hang out and mess around" without going for the "Wow you're amazing, I'll love you forever" part? Too soon, dammit! How about, "I only met you a week ago"? Though were I to pick a guy to fall hard for...mmm. But not after one week! And I don't know that I want to start over and try it again much slower with him.

There's too much going on here to pick up the center of my life and make it a guy. I'm paying too much money here to get all distracted and co-opted by a boy. Or is that stupid? If he's able to do that to me, shouldn't that be worth chasing a bit? Bah! Don't know. Have too much other stuff taking up all my thinking power to devote much brain to that question.

Ok, this is where I let this sit and age a bit. This is also where you comment and tell me what you think of my silliness. To my O Chem lab writeup...

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  • Homebase Madison, Wisconsin
  • I was raised in Alaska, am the shortest person in my family, and I can wiggle my ears.
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