One Norwegian Alaskan in Madison.

¿Por qué, Dios? ¿Por qué?

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listening to: Queens of the Stone Age - Lullabyes to Paralyze

Dear God,

Everything kosher up there? I'd just like to say thanks for whatever stunt you pulled to piss off Mother Nature so badly. You remember all those weird hangover symptoms I've been getting the last few days? (You must have heard me...I kept muttering your name...) Yeah. Turns out that was PMS in physical form. Dude. I've never even had cramps before, and now she lays light sensitivity and dehydration on me? Just saying you must have royally fucked up. Way to share the love.

- pissed. and in need of chocolate.

2 Responses to “¿Por qué, Dios? ¿Por qué?”

  1. Blogger Rena 

    You know what sucks about as much? PMS and cramps at Boy Scout camp. No sympathy from the guys. My own husband laughs at me.

    But I can't complain too much. I picked this.

  2. Anonymous Anonymous 

    i recommend pills

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  • Homebase Madison, Wisconsin
  • I was raised in Alaska, am the shortest person in my family, and I can wiggle my ears.
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