One Norwegian Alaskan in Madison.

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What I did this weekend
...when Rena's away, the Sarahs get to play...

1. Baked a salmon for dinner. A free salmon.
2. Saw my old acting teacher at a free improv show. He remembered me :D
3. Stuck a burning candle in my ear to "clean" it.
4. Spent time hanging out with a girl I rarely see.
5. Played table football using a paper throwing star with a boy I just met.
6. Bet on table football with a boy I just met...and lost.
7. Made chocolate cake.
8. Stayed up till 3:30 eating chocolate cake and watching Moulin Rouge with the girls...and the guys.
9. Passed on seeing "The Passion" with my boys to finish my last physics lab ever.
10. Finished my last physics lab ever. Ohh, that felt good.

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About me

  • Homebase Madison, Wisconsin
  • I was raised in Alaska, am the shortest person in my family, and I can wiggle my ears.
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