One Norwegian Alaskan in Madison.

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We've got a good amount of traffic at the apartment, for which I am so relieved. I had this small, lingering doubt that moving off campus would kill most of the convenient friendships we keep up with people by passing in the halls, but it's even crazier than before. The part of me that knows my introverted nature wouldn't help my socializing much is relieved.

We've got a few "traditions" now that are damn cool. Saralita and the Egocentric Bastard started Tea Time Story Hour last quarter with only one criterion: the book read will be a classic. Other than that, it's a free for all. We don't ever cut it off after an hour and whatever you want to drink is fine with me, as long as you give me some. They started out with The Princess Bride then, and last week we picked up To Have And To Hold, which was the E.B.'s pick, surprisingly. It's got this love story thing going on, but she's a heinous bitch and he's a pompous ass, so it's pretty good. That, and there's an evil lord, an Italian doctor, and battles with Indians. I don't know what I want to read next...The Time Machine? Peter Pan? If you have any fabulous ideas, share.

Charlie came over on Wednesday and made dinner with us. Damn, it was good. We made Tomato Basil soup from scratch and added garlic bread and a Merlot to round it out. Gotta get my daily serving of fruit :P Actually, that was the first wine I've tried that I really liked. Anyway, we had so much fun we're making Wednesday our "Damn Good Food" night, and I'm thinking pizza or pasta would be the way to go. Ooh...if we put a grill out on our patio, we could make kebabs...and steaks...and bbq chicken...

Oh yeah, we have a patio of our very own. I love this place :D

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  • Homebase Madison, Wisconsin
  • I was raised in Alaska, am the shortest person in my family, and I can wiggle my ears.
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