Hello again. Fancy meeting you in a place like this... ;-) My bags are packed and I'm ready to go, but he came to me instead of the way the song goes, and I'm going to miss him so much over break. We only see each other randomly now, even though we live right on top of each other, and I blame finals/our masochistic urges to get our homework and other crap done. Knowing that there's a three week stretch where I'm guaranteed not to be with him is pretty depressing, though. I feel centered when I'm with him, and that makes all the frusteration about our stupid outside responsibilities go away beautifully. Ok, I'll cut it out. :-P But just to let you know, I kinda like this guy...so...I am going to run off to Africa and when I get back...*stalls*...*ahem* well, I get to move into our new apartment, too! ;-) Yay! Feliz Navidad y Prospero Ano Nuevo, mis amigos! Paz.
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