Why didn't I memorize everything from orgo last quarter? It's all coming back to kick my ass now. But I have a plan to get back on top, and I mean it. But that will have to wait till later, because Chicago's coming to the Paramount downtown and Rena and I have tickets to go with Sophia on Sunday night! I'm crossing my fingers that they'll have the voices to carry it off, because the movie was so very good. Other than that, there is absolutely nothing going on in my life - Rachel has yet to go and come back from Hawai'i before moving in with us, and I have little time to run off like I did this last weekend. My mom came down and stayed in Tacoma with my grandma because my great-grandpa just passed away, so I left Friday night to go stay with them. We had a good time considering the circumstances. With my great-grandma there as well, we had four generations of women from my mom's side together, and how many times does that ever happen? Maybe next time we'll be clever and get a picture of us...
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