Mmmmph. *Wipes mascara off of face* I haven't slept till noon in a
long time. I can't remember doing that since I was on summer break during high school. And yet I feel magically delicious, not unlike those poor, harangued
frosted Lucky Charms.
We met another Moscow boy the other day. Possibly the entire complement of this crowd from Moscow, ID has filtered through our apartment at one time or another. First we met all the ones who actually live here: Blake, Nathan, Marta, Melissa, and Hana (by association, even though she's from CdA). All of these people lived on our floor last year and came from the same town. Smell fishy? And then we met more of them!
Blake moved in with Nolan, Aaron, and Chris this year, all of whom came over from Moscow to live in Seattle for random, temporary reasons. Nolan and Chris are back in M now, but not before introducing us to Cory (who lives in Portland, whew) and Chris #2 (initially introduced as "Craig" to attempt to keep names straight, but eventually just adding to the confusion), who was in town for the
Jason Webley concert.
Ryan is the latest in this stream of ex-pats. He showed up the other day when Aaron needed to head off to work, and ended up hanging out over here for a while. He's cool, doesn't say much (a trend in these later guys), and thinks Kevin Spacey is a kickass actor. So we're good. We stayed up watching The Usual Suspects and American Beauty last night, so my Plan to Get All My Stuff Together for finals is off to a slow start.
I'm starting to believe that either a) Seattle is recruiting Moscow teens to come saturate the number of aimlessly wandering young people in this city, b) Moscow is looking to relocate, one person at a time, and has targeted Seattle as ideal, or c) This is the forerunner of a very large cult migration to the coast.
Buzzle here.
Is that Moscow, Idaho or the real moscow?
See second paragraph, reference to Moscow, ID. It would be infinitely more alarming were they all Russian. *shivers*