One Norwegian Alaskan in Madison.

Fun with French

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Alright, kids, it's been ages, but here's something to tide you over while I try to get my groove back (and do some homework). In prep for taking French with Maria Leon this fall, I've put together a little something I found a while back. I call it 'Fun with French'.

"You've got a face that would blow off manhole covers"
"T'as une tête a faire sauter les plaques d'egouts!"
(ta zoon tait a fair saw - teh leh plahk de - goo)

"What did your last slave die of?"
"De quoi est mort votre dernier esclave?"
(de kwa eh mor votr der - nee - er es - klahv)

"How much for the little girl?"
"Combien pour la fillette"
(com - byen poor la fill - et)

"I think this wine has been drunk before."
"Je pense que ce vin a déjà ete bu"
(zhe pens ke se vin a day - zha e - te bu)

"Do you have any French in you? Would you like some?"
"Vous avez des origines françaises? Pourquoi pas une descendance française?"
(voo za - vay deh zo - ri - zhin fran - say? poor kwu pah deh - sen - dans fran - say?)

"I have a frog in my bidet!"
"J'ai une grenouille dans mon bidet!"
(zhay en gre - noo - ee dan mon bee - day)

"I like Spain better"
"Je préfére l'Espagne"
(zhe pre - fer les - pan - ya)

Right, then, off I go.

2 Responses to “Fun with French”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 


  2. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Blogger sucks. Can't even fucking support Japanese....

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  • Homebase Madison, Wisconsin
  • I was raised in Alaska, am the shortest person in my family, and I can wiggle my ears.
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