I found this note in the bathroom after I woke up this morning in Rena's bed. How I got there I'm not sure. How M wound up sleeping in my bed, I also don't know. I clearly remember getting into my own bed at 3 or so, and then getting up to go visit the sink. The next thing I remember is rolling over this morning to find an empty bucket next to my head in Rena's bed and M sleeping soundly in my bed. He denies any knowledge of how he got there.
Conclusion? I am a very still sleeper. Also, either M or A (who resisted our attempts to ply him with liquor) must have decided a Chinese fire drill bed switch would be amusing with unconcious participants. That, or both M and I like to sleepwalk...at the same time.
Is 'M,' like, from James Bond?
Oh my! My darling Sarah, so so corrupt? Without me? :P
I couldn't wait till you came, Riss. Then I'd be very sober for a very long time. There's a couch here if you want to stop in some time on your way to the frozen North.
Rena's bed is nice, I can understand why you ended up there.