Hey, peeps. No, not the yellow, squishy confections responsible for (a small) part of my Easter coma. You. We're off tomorrow morning for parts unknown (rumored to be the Bloomsday run in Spokane), so wish us luck! I have yet to drink one entire Nalgene, not to mention the five per diem Rachel has advised. I'll make up for it during tomorrow's car trek, I promise. If we have to pull over every 20 min, so be it. Kidneys, I apologize in advance for what I am about to do to you. Bladder, that goes for you too. Guys have it so good.
If all goes well, this house of chicas will be back Sunday evening with cool new shirts and a healthy coating of pure, shiny sweat. I might consider melting into the grass right there at the finish line if it weren't for the jar of Classic Vlasics and half gallon of Swiss Chocolate Orange sherbet awaiting my ministrations back here. Put in some good couch time for me!
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