Hi Sarah, I think I have seen at least the beginning of every movie on that list. No, just kidding. But I was thinking about our lovely but brief talks this weekend. Thank you. I miss them. Imaginer
Dude, you must be done with finals or something. I either hate you or love right now, I'm not sure which oxox, rachel, who was up till writing a final take home exam and will be up till three studying for her THREE hear it THREE finals tomorrow which are basically a huge back to back sandwich. mmm, tuna fish with pickles and potato chips on honey whole wheat? No!!! my precious, rotting African history spread on a burnt piece of french bread with recreation management moldering insidee it all. sigh.
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About me
Homebase Madison, Wisconsin
I was raised in Alaska, am the shortest person in my family, and I can wiggle my ears.
How have you never seen The Wizard of Oz? I knew the Slausons were from another planet, but...
I have seen:
1-5, 7, 8, 10-12, 15, 16, 19, 23, 26-29, 32, 33, 39, 42, 43, 50, 54, 55, 57, 59, 61, 62, 68, 71-73, 78, 80, 83-86, 95-97. Damn, I guess I watch too many films.
GR, what's your take on 11 and 27?
Hi Sarah, I think I have seen at least the beginning of every movie on that list. No, just kidding. But I was thinking about our lovely but brief talks this weekend. Thank you. I miss them.
you have a totally sad amount of comment spam.
oh, and don't you think it's wierd that blogpost comments show the time a comment was posted but not the date?
hey babe! no more spam. in addition to being ugly, it tastes like shit. and that dateless thing is...how do you say...counterintuitive?
Your new layout is awesome.... especially when drunk...
Take note, I need to go to Alaska during the nothern lights while drunk.
I shall put a check mark next to that one in the next 4 years.
Tovin(the nice one with the good cookies in case you forgot)
Dude, you must be done with finals or something. I either hate you or love right now, I'm not sure which
rachel, who was up till writing a final take home exam and will be up till three studying for her THREE hear it THREE finals tomorrow which are basically a huge back to back sandwich. mmm, tuna fish with pickles and potato chips on honey whole wheat? No!!! my precious, rotting African history spread on a burnt piece of french bread with recreation management moldering insidee it all. sigh.