Have added a comments function, thanks to the wonderful people at
Enetation. I commandeered another girl's design and bent it to this color scheme, but if you have any suggestions, drop me a thought now that you can. ;-)
If any other blog*spot users desire commenting capability, I recommend
these guys above the other three I messed with first. Their offering is the most customizable, unless you want to jump ship and run over to
ModBlog. ::whispers::
it confused me too much...
On the other hand, if you're using Blogger, but are hosted on a PHP-friendly site, check out
Blogkomm instead. Great style, but needs PHP abilities, sadly. (which being on blog*spot doesn't give me...or you...)
More work will come on this new addition once I get more sleep. ::yawn::
Sophia got on MSN today for the first time all summer! She was at Sarah's house in Port Orchard. I love them both dearly, and soon Sophia's moving to a new apartment, which I want to visit. Only a couple of weeks till I get back to Seattle! ::does a little dance::
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