One Norwegian Alaskan in Madison.

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Have been very good and am doing physics seriously. Except for now. Will work again soon. Promise.

Rena has come back from boy-scouting unscathed and for the better. I'm so happy she had a great time...and met certain people. ;-) Sadly, my birthday gift to her didn't get there, but returned to me today minus the sending address. No good.

Work at the fair starts tomorrow. I'm kind of looking forward to doing something besides a)homework, b)reading, c)staring blankly at the wall. And the money will be good too. :D Guess who's playing at the fair this year? Everclear...and American Hi-Fi, who're filling in for Cheap Trick. Am I the only one who thinks they've gone crazy? Or maybe it's the whole world. I'm not complaining. Just bemused.

The books I need for fall quarter came online at the su bookstore the other day. Can I get away with using an older edition of the o-chem book I need? It's an issue of $60 vs. $130, so if I can, I will. According to the publisher's site, however, the new version has "substantial" updates involving nanotechnology and so on. Hmm...that sounds important. No doubt Spyridis will do something with it. Maybe if I wait a month used copies of the latest edition will show up online.

So...I filled out an application to go to Ghana the other day. Dad put it in the mail this morning, so it's official. It's pretty random, but I was thinking about what I want to do in the next few years, and one of them is getting out of the U.S. a few times. I found out that Habitat For Humanity, Int'l does trips to various countries, and the only one that fits with SU's/my schedule is a trip to Ghana for a few weeks over Christmas. In four months! So I applied. I don't know if I'm what they're looking for, but I'll find out. If they want me, it's going to be interesting (read: hella hard) to raise all the money needed. But that comes later. Mom was really cool about me wanting to do this, especially since I found out about it and applied in the same day. But when it feels right, why wait? Thinking about it makes me wonder what the hell I'm doing, so I'm going to try not thinking about it and see how that goes.

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  • Homebase Madison, Wisconsin
  • I was raised in Alaska, am the shortest person in my family, and I can wiggle my ears.
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