One Norwegian Alaskan in Madison.

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::grins:: new favorite movie: Bandits. Absolutely great! I was laughing at so much stuff - it's a pretty smart film. Maybe I'm not the sharpest crayon, but the ending was super, and I didn't exactly see it coming. Though in hindsight... But i'm a little loopy anyway, so that might be it. :P It was perfect for the mood i'm in.

I got done with Bridget Jones 2 last night. It took a while, because in large doses she becomes extra stupid. Not that I didn't enjoy it - I just had to vent sometimes. I was also distracted by these two other books I have going - Pearl Buck's "Imperial Woman" and Robert Forward's "Dragon's Egg". The former is about Tzu Hsi, the last Empress of China, and is a novel following her rise to power and the rest of her reign as basically a goddess in the eyes of her subjects. I started it before the other two books, but it's so dense I'm only a third of the way through it. Buck is great, and next comes "The Good Earth" which I believe is her most popular/well-known book. We'll see how long that one takes me.

The other book is this story of a race of creatures living on the crust of a neutron star that revolves 5 times/sec., so the gravity is incredibly huge, their life span is really quick, and they're incredibly small. Humans gathering data about the star from a ship in orbit aren't aware of the society on the surface, but at the moment their presence and different actions are giving rise to new variations in the species' religion. Apparently they end up able to communicate directly at some point, but I haven't gotten there yet. Will get there soon. My favorite character just died/was murdered, however, so maybe it can wait. :P

Hmm...physics. About that...*cough*electricfieldssuck*cough* so do picky people...*ahem*patrick*ahem*

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  • Homebase Madison, Wisconsin
  • I was raised in Alaska, am the shortest person in my family, and I can wiggle my ears.
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